Test Condition if

Question 1

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if i buy this car i ...... two cars .
will have
would have
wil have
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right: UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: if i buy this car i will have two cars .

Question 2

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if you want to be rich ..... to casino .
will go
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right: UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: if you want to be rich go to casino .

Question 3

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i was you i ....... to USA .
wil go
will go
would go
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right : UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: i was you i would go go to USA.

Question 4

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if she swam in this beach they ....... with her .
will be
would be
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right: UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: if she swam in this beach they would be with her.

Question 5

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if this politician ........ to people the judiciary would sue him .
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right: UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: if this politician lay to people the judiciary would sue him .

Question 6

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if they ..... their duty the next generation would pay the price .
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right : UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: if they forsook their duty the next generation would pay the price .

Question 7

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if you had known the address i ...... you to it .
would have lead
would had led
would have led
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right: UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: if you had known the address i would have led you to it.

Question 8

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if he had shut up his mouth the journalists ...... him severely .
would not have slammed
would not have slamed
would not had slammed
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right: UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: if he had shut up his mouth the journalists would not have slammed him severely .

Question 9

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si je veux te voir je ..... à votre ville .
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right : UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: si je veux te voir je viendrai à votre ville .

Question 10

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si elle est à l'ecole elle ...... lire cette lettre .
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right : UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: si elle est à l'ecole elle saura lire cette lettre .

Question 11

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si je porte ses lunettes je ..... ce petit bateau .
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right : UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: si je porte ses lunettes je verrai ce petit bateau .

Question 12

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si j'était comptable je ....... les comptes .
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right : UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: si j'était comptable je tiendrais les comptes .

Question 13

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s'ils avaient le stylo ils ....... une lettre .
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right : UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: s'ils avaient le stylo ils écrivaient une lettre .

Question 14

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si ce pays avait envahi son voisin il ..... le prix .
aura payé
aurait payer
aurait payé
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right : UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: si ce pays avait envahi son voisin il aurait payé le prix .

Question 15

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si elle avait bu le vin elle .... d'où elle venait .
n'aurais pas su
aurais pas su
n'aurais pas sue
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BRAVO!!! your answer is right : UNFORTUNATELY!!! your answer is wrong the real answer is: si elle avait bu le vin elle n'aurais pas su d'où elle venait .