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the word or character searched is :--> death
the text was :--> -morocco witnessed the first wave of coronavirus on mars in 2020, and we are now at the end of the fifth wave.
-the death toll of coronavirus in morocco is about 16 284 as the Total of cases is 1 268 440.
-financially the cost of coronavirus is huge and unbearable, the loss of job ,foreclosure financial bankruptcy ,debt ...etc.
-socialwise the cases of divorces had increased as well as domestic violence ,and suicide ,the suicide is a taboo in morocco ,as it is banned by traditions .
-the move of morocco to ban flight coming from china is driven by the fact morocco does not have complete medical infrastructure and staff to face the surge ,and a wave of coronavirus coming from china or elsewhere it will be a real ordeal and will stretch Moroccan medical staff and infrastructure to breaking point .
-Coronavirus Cases worldwide is about : 637,435,939 ;Deaths: 6,604,733.
1-USA ,total cases 99,602,478 ,total death 1,098,038.
2-India ,total cases 44,659,447 ,total death 530,486.
3-France, total cases 36,920,064 ,total death 157,277.
4-Germany ,total cases 35,823,771 ,total death 154,535.
5-Brazil ,total cases 34,890,243 ,total death 688,384.
6-S. Korea ,total cases 25,801,564 ,total death 29,354.
7-UK ,total cases 23,930,041 ,total death 194,704.
8-Italy ,total cases 23,642,011 ,total death 179,436.
9-Japan ,total cases 22,608,547 ,total death 46,981.
10-Russia ,total cases 21,459,284 ,total death 390,526.
11-Turkey ,total cases 16,919,638 ,total death 101,203.
12-Spain ,total cases 13,529,643 ,total death 115,239.
13-Vietnam ,total cases 11,505,249 ,total death 43,165.
14-Australia ,total cases 10,417,273 ,total death 15,786.
15-Argentina ,total cases 9,718,875 ,total death 129,991.
16-Netherlands ,total cases 8,521,729 ,total death 22,84.
17-Taiwan ,total cases 7,863,193 ,total death 13,151.
18-Iran ,total cases 7,558,002 ,total death 144,587.
19-Mexico ,total cases 7,113,132 , total death 330,415.
20-Indonesia, total cases 512,913 , total death 158,768.
-many counties throughout the world had imposed on people coming from china stiff measures and tests before going into their respective countries.
-China did not like that and threatening with retaliatory measures against these countries,as china is seeing that as excessive measures against its own citizens.